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Writer's pictureBrittany Krook

Welcome to Little Farm

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Little Farm on Wall Street.

My name is Brittany. I’m a wife, a mom, a teacher, a maker, a highly inconsistent blogger (working on that one), a country girl, and a lover of all things beautiful. I adore all things that grow (especially our kids), everything green, fresh flowers, working with flowers, looking at flowers, stopping at the floral section of every store to stare, browsing seed catalogues and adopting succulents.

I’ve lived in the country my entire life, aside from an 11-month stint in town when Ryan and I first married. We purchased these 80 acres that we call home over 5 years ago and it’s been a fixer upper. Nothing a sledgehammer and a track hoe hasn’t handled though! I’ve always had a dream for this property but that’s certainly been overwhelmed by all the things that needed to be done first. Sometimes that’s not a bad thing though, it gave me time to really process and think things through. We have tackled so many projects over the past 5 years and have many more to go. There is nothing my hubby loves more than a good “honey-do list” (I can practically hear him groaning and he hasn’t even read this yet). Maybe it’s me that loves a good list…that’s probably a more accurate statement. But we do all of this together.

Aside from small farm business aspirations we are a paramedic/teacher husband and wife team raising three amazing kids surrounded by our wonderful family, friends and community. We’re blessed. I’m thankful. I have been working in the home education field since we started our family, prior to that I was a teacher full time in our local Christian school. We homeschool our children and love to spend all the time together while learning valuable life skills.

I’ve been doing wedding florals as a little hobby for friends and family for the past 11 years and each time I’ve fallen in love just a little bit more. So many people along the way have asked “so are you going to do this?” With babies it didn’t seem practical, but it’s never left my mind as a possibility. I’d always loved to have flowers in my yard; it never even dawned on me to grow them to sell. I’ve had my struggles with the veggie garden (I refuse to ever give up) but flowers and I get along just fine. Each year we grow a lot more than the year before and we're adding more photography locations this year.

Our dream is to create a place of beauty and rest for people to enjoy. To teach the value of slow and seasonal. To embrace all things home. To bring people together and encourage joy.

I’ve always wanted simple, I grew up watching Little House on the Prairie and so many times wished that I could just ride a horse everywhere, collect eggs, and make everything from scratch. I think a big portion of our society is beginning to realize just how much has been lost in everything we’ve “gained” and I’m thankful for that. So, call me traditional, old-fashioned or conservative but I’ll take that as a huge compliment! I’m looking forward to learning, sharing, encouraging, inspiring and connecting with so many as we go.

Hugs! B

49 views2 comments


Jan 22, 2023

Loved learning a bit more about your heart & life, Brittany. I think we share some fun interests & I’m looking forward to getting to know you more on here & in person. Jennifer


Jan 22, 2023

I'm looking forward to getting to know you a little more through your blog. Thank


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